Note to self...

...always plan my class schedule around my must-see-tv schedule. Last year I made the mistake of not doing so and took a Monday night class, causing me to continuously miss Gossip Girl and suffer from bitter withdrawal as a result. I practically lived in hiding that season trying to avoid spoilers.

Until I found this little gem. is a site where you can, well, watch Gossip Girl. Any episode, any time. Sure you can watch episodes on as well, but if you're anything like me, you've missed so much that you need the option to see an episode from 2 months ago. isn't as kind as to offer you that much.

How to watch episodes:
The site will prompt you several times to download this 3rd party, crappy video player but it's not necessary. Instead:
1. Click on the episode you would like to view.
2. Scroll to the episode description and click "Start watching episode..."
3. A pop up will appear. Click "cancel".
4. A warning window will appear. Click "ok".
5. At the top of the page click "Press start then click here to watch"
6. Scroll a little and voila!

The list looks crazy long but it takes like 5 secs tops to get through. 3.5 if you have a particularly fast internet connection. Another bonus to this site is that it's really blog; there's an editor who comments regularly and you can discuss the big OMG moments with other die hard fans.

But in other news, I would like to give a HUGE shoutout into the universe to the two amazingly good Samaritans who caught up with me 2 city blocks later after I left my debit card in the ATM today. Seriously, I couldn't have been luckier. May God bless them with the same kindness they gave to me. :)

heart always,


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