If Lisa Frank did health and beauty, I'm pretty sure it would look like this. Plus massive amounts of glitter. Also, unicorns.

Product review, product review, get friggin' ready it's a product review!

I mean if that doesn't get you excited then clearly you haven't been drinking enough. 

In another attempt to remind you all that this is really (!) a fashion blog, despite my borderline ADD & inability to not tell you all about what pissed me off the other day, I present Luxe Little Things first product review!  ::insert bbm dancing smiley face::

So I've been obsessed with Minx, the film that's professionally applied to nails using heat, ever since I heard it was the hot thing on the streets and everyone knows I'm 10x as trendy as hipsters were 3 years ago.  Word.  But I've never gotten them because it costs like $60 a session and that can buy a whole lot of gummy bears and Lucky Mags which are much more pertinent to my lifestyle.  SO when I stumbled across Chic Prints for Nails by OPI for Sephora (also see: longest product name ever.  -1 point) I was as giddy as a Staten Island chick on Canal St ("Juicy Couture" bags for how much??)  

My working station four nails into the process

I chose the "anchor" design because there's something so chic about nautical stripes and, hello!, there are tiny silver anchors on them. The necessary supplies start and end with just a glass nail file but I broke out my favorite black nail polish for my eight small toes while I applied the print to my two big kahunas.  

The directions state to "rub the strips vigorously with your finger to heat and then peel" which is cool but how long do I rub this thing?  And how hot is hot enough?  And am I the only one who giggles at the word "vigorously"?  I figured it was safe to stop once my index started burning.  I mean, I've heard fashion is pain but sheesh.  They peeled very easily and stuck well enough to stay put if you wanted them to but you could also easily peel them off to re-apply them better.  After rubbing out the air bubbles, directions state to bend the excess of the strip down and then file it off in a downward motion.  That, my friends, is an acquired technique.  My first few nails were so jagged I had to break out the nail file.  For best results, pull the strip taught first as they do stretch a little.

Almost halfway through.  Too eager to finish applying the pinky nail.

When I was all done I was very satisfied.  I thought they looked adorb.  That was, until, I saw them under natural light.  They look like straight up stickers, y'all.  Like my little sister went pretend manicure happy on me.  Under direct sunlight they look way shiny and plastic-like.  Sephora/OPI/those child day laborers would have made a much better choice if the prints had more of a matte finish.  For me, that would've made the real difference between drug store nail art and a inexpensive true Minx substitute.

Over all, I give this product a B-.  The reviews on Sephora's website are great so someone loves them and I would venture to say other patterns might show better.  In other words the anchor print is a no go but I might be willing to try the lace pattern.  Especially if it was free.  Just saying.  O___O  #illuminati

Will you try Chic Nails by OPI for Sephora?  How do you usually do your nails?

6 Response to "If Lisa Frank did health and beauty, I'm pretty sure it would look like this. Plus massive amounts of glitter. Also, unicorns."

  1. They have a Beetlejuice look to them!

    kristy says:

    wow that turned out really cool!

    Wow! I haven't heard of this protect but I have been into the Minx movement (but it they are too rich for my blood) so I guess the knock off will do...Thanks for sharing this post! Since I see you into beauty products then you should partake in my giveway! The last day is tomorrow check the details here http://thelipstickmemoir.blogspot.com, search for "giveaway" for details on my blog!

    roni says:




    nah but for real though they look popping!

    oomph. says:

    always wanted to try those, but i'm sure it's more difficult than it seems. looks great, though!


    tee says:

    @Crkrets: Oh wow, I didn't even see that!

    @Kristy: Thanks!

    @Ari: My pleasure. Be sure to post a review yourself if you ever try it. ;)

    @Roni: Thanks, hoe. :P

    @Oomph: Do it! It takes a little bit of patience but it's not rocket science. Haha.

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