Hiccups that kill, my new political party, and other ridiculous and BIG news. Fashionistas I have something for you, too!


I'm going to finally write a new blog post.  And no Facebook, nap, or Keeping Up with the Kardashians marathon is going to stop me this time!!


So, is it just me or has there been a lot of epically weird people making the news recently?  And not like weird like your off beat cousin Joey weird, but weird like the kind of people who evoke a sorry-I-don't-have-any-change-and-no-sir-I-do-not-have-the-time response weird.  

Exhibit A.  Jennifer Mee, the girl who became famous by hiccuping for like 5 months straight, just extended her 15 minutes of fame by killing someone.  True story.  I mean, if that doesn't deserve an award for Excellence in Completely Random Shit, idk what does.   I was intrigued by this story because you would think someone with such an adorably fake chronic condition such as long term hiccups would be a precious Midwesterner with pigtails.  On the contrary, Mee was a frequent runaway growing up who had many run ins with the law AND IS NOW A MURDERER.  Huh.  And apparently she has Tourettes which I think is completely irrelavant to the case as I always thought that Tourettes cause random verbal outbursts, not random 1st degree murders.  But idk, I was only a Marketing major in college.

Exhibt B.  Jimmy McMillan.  Oh Jimmy.  Jimmy, Jimmy.  This guy is running for Governor of NY and he has one cause and one cause only.  Lowering the rent for the citizens of NYC.  No seriously, the rent is too damn high.  That is the name of his party.  And his website.  And all things from hence forth regarding him.  Why?  BECAUSE THE RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH.  Ya'll don't even know.  Everything that has ever plagued humanity stems from the fact that the rent is too damn high.    

Did you click on that link?  Do it now.  I'll wait.  I meannnnnnnnnnnnn.  Who designed that web page for him and how did they manage to time travel back to '97?  There is every sort of graphic text known to man floating and glittering in a heap of unnecessary mess.  There are dancing skeletons, people.  And I bet that has nothing to do with Halloween.  Come December they will still be there doing their two frame running man.  I applaud McMillan for  speaking on a cause that is real; no matter how many West Village hole in the walls I rent I will never get over the fact that the average for a dumpy studio is $2400, however no one in their right minds would allow themselves to vote for this.  


On a completely unrelated but totally cool note, I have HUGE news.  Lulus.com, that uber cute site chockful of great deals has blessed us with an even bigger deal.  From now until November 12th you can save 15% off your entire order with the exclusive code "LUXE"!  Seriously!  Stop by the site, pick out your faves, and enter the case sensitive code "LUXE" at check out and receive 15% off you order.  It's that's simple.  

Here are my personal faves from what's new on the site (because who gives a pair of Uggs what's old, right?) ;)

So, tell me!

Have you ever shopped Lulu*s before?  If not what are waiting for??

Bonus question
Would you rather be Jimmy McMillian's personal assistant
Share a jail cell with Jennifer Mee?  And oh yeah, she still has the hiccups.

Good luck with that,


7 Response to "Hiccups that kill, my new political party, and other ridiculous and BIG news. Fashionistas I have something for you, too!"

  1. roni says:

    post lulu's on the blog.. brb =)

    Um I would rather be Jimmy McMillian's personal assistant and fix that effin' web page.
    It visually raped me but at least he has a good cause.
    24-fucking-hundred a month for a studio?!?
    Dude, that sick and not like sick in the good way. That's another form of raping.
    How much is the average wage??

    Oh and I read about the Hiccup Chick. I wouldn't want to share a cell with her! Eek. First of all I don't want to go to jail. I mean, look at me....I would so be someone's carnal dyke bitch. *shudder*

    Nice to see a post!!

    Annushka says:

    Very nice post&blog, beautiful)))

    Ilove the blue dress and the white&black one. Thanks for sharing the inspiration. And come and visit me too, soon.


    Sara says:

    haha I'm with Ckrets for sure!

    noone says:

    omg the aryn k dress is fab! lol my friend was wearing that on the weekend and I couldn't stop staring at it!

    tee says:

    @Roni: Thanks for the love as alwayssss.

    @Ckrets: I know right?? The average wage is not that much more than it is anywhere else. The demand drives up the prices. So most people have roommates or second jobs to make ends meet. :\

    @Ann: Thanks!

    @Ellinor: Yes, the black and white dress is definitely my fave. :)

    @Sara: VAGINA.

    @Pop: Ooo, cool. Glad to know it's even more stunning in person!

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