if you driving it, I drove it / if you got it, I sold it

Unfortunately in the fashion world, biting is an inevitability.  While I can't stand blatant fakes (you, with the fake speedy!  I see you! Real Louie's don't lean like that!!) less expensive takes on designer duds are kind of how the majority of us get by (see: Zara && Forever21).  However, this is inexcusable as far as I'm concerned.

Evening gown by Zuhair Murad

Forever Unique Scalloped Hem Bandeau Dress

The original is farrrrr too unique to just be cut and sewed like that!  Idk, this just doesn't sit well with me...


[Images via here && here]

1 Response to "if you driving it, I drove it / if you got it, I sold it"

  1. wow, these dresses are incredible.

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