Srsly. I feel like cool shit is happening and I'm just out of the loop. What. The. Hell. Did you know there is going to be a Piperlime pop up shop? 'Cause I didn't. And I frigging love that website. Way to go Piperlime marketing team. I feel like anytime something cool that pertains to my life comes into existence I should get a text message or some shit so I can be on top of things. Yep, I'm pretty sure that's how life should be.
Anyways, this shop HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE. Is "anyways" a word now? 'Cause there's no pretentious squiggly red line underneath it. This is tripping me outttt.
What? Oh yeah. So this Piperlime shit. The store is "popping up" just 3 blocks from my job which is what the French call "convenient". When they're not speaking French of course. I'm gonna check it out and you should, too. Except not the days I do because I don't need another stalker, thankyouverymuch.
As if really cute boots wasn't enough, they also have a line up of events:
This would all fan-fucking-tastic except I won't be in the city this weekend. I'll be in VA
getting drunk visiting a friend. Just when I was getting over the fact that I would be missing Fashion's Night Out again (last year I simply forgot. Alcohol - 1, My Short Term Memory - 0) I find out I'll be missing this, too. Rachel Zoe. In arm's reach.
I die. If you don't watch her show you're missing out. She's like my favorite crackhead. Which says a lot because I have a soft spot for crackheads. They're just trying to get by like everyone else, you know?
But apparently I won't miss Whitney Port? Oh yay. And by "yay" I mean I can't even come up with a witty enough comment to describe how epically uninterested I am in her and her life. She's about as relevant as an 8-track player with a voice that makes me want to drill small holes in kittens. Have you heard her voice?? She should not talk, ever. She should invest in American Sign Language lessons. She should pick up one of those text to speech keyboards that are all the rage with the paraplegics. Yes, all of that should happen.
For those of you not lucky enough to be in the NYC area, or are and are simply trying to avoid Whitney Port at all costs, here's what's hot on the website right now (+ my comments of course since I know that's what makes you guys stick around. Ha.):
The Ledger by Fergie
This is the kind of shoe you pick up in the store, turn to your friend and ask, "I kind of like this. Is that weird??" Because this, my friends, is a whole lot of boot. Additionally, if I had to explain what this looked like to to someone I probably say it's similar to the leg of an acid washed jean stretched over a cowboy boot. Which sounds all sorts of wrong.
The Bountiful by Guess
I've been really into theses booties as of late event though they're painfully reminiscent of those "ghetto" Timberland heels of J to the Lo's hey day.
The ha-sorry-I-forgot-and-then-closed-the-page-and-am-too-lazy-to-find-it-again by Naughty Monkey
You can't really tell but the back is embellished which I totally encourage. More shoes should have studs and generally sparkly things because that's what a rockstar princess needs, thankyouverymuch.
The 77977 by Street Level
Put a ruffle on something and I get excited. Put one BIG ASS ruffle on a clutch and I practically drop my pants. Period.
Ha, for a second the Blogger editor wouldn't let me tab down any further and I was all really, Blogger, you're limiting the lengths of posts? That's really Twitter/Communist-like of you. But it's all good. :)
Later days bitches,
Credits: Photos and general Piperlime info was compiled from Duh.